Former lab members
Susan Marcus: Laboratory technician, plant & animal cell culture, preparation of monoclonal antibodies.
Jumana Akhtar: PhD student, with Katie Field, studying polysaccharide root exudates funded by BBSRC.
Katie Schulz: PhD student, with Christine Foyer, studying carrot blackening funded by BBSRC.
Cameron Colclough: MSc by Research student studying cereal root exudates.
Bev Merry: with Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso, on glucan monoclonal antibodies in GrowMedTech project.
Martin Kieffer: post-doc, with Katie Field and Stefan Kepinski, on roots and conservation agriculture in GCRF-AFRICAP project
Sam Amsbury: post-doc, with Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso, on glucan monoclonal antibodies in GrowMedTech project.
Sara Pose Albacete: post-doctoral EU Marie Curie transnational research fellow studying fruit development
Valérie Cornuault:post-doctoral researcher studying cell wall matrix glycans in a project funded by BBSRC.
Rachel O'Neill: PhD student with Rothamsted Research & British Sugar studied sugar beet cell walls.
Andrew Galloway: PhD student studied root glycans supported by UoL 110 Anniversary studentship
Mercedes Hernandez: PhD student on Marie Curie WallTraC programme studied fibre cell development.
Richard Palmer: PhD student studied wheat and rice grain developmentat at Rothamsted Research
Thomas Torode: PhD student studied algal cell walls in a project funded by BBSRC
Corinne Shaw: PhD student in a White Rose Network collaborative project studied deconstruction of Miscanthus cell walls.
Jie Xue: PhD student worked on grass cell walls funded by a China Scholarship Council/UoL scholarship.
Craig Deakin: MSc by Research student studied cyanobacterial:root interactions.
Kieran Lee: Studied cell walls in relation to seed germination with the vSEED consortium and funded by ERANET/BBSRC.
Tom Benians: PhD student working on cell walls and cotton fibres with Bayer Bioscience funded by the BBSRC
Prof Carem Gledes Vargas-Rechia: visiting researcher from University of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Peter Talboys: PhD student, with Dr. Hanma Zhang, working on Arabidopsis root growth funded by the BBSRC.
Owen Jackson: PhD student, with Dr. David Adams, worked on Nostoc-Gunnera interactions funded by the BBSRC.
Li Yu: visiting PhD student from Northeast Normal University, China, worked on ginseng funded by CSC.